Update on the "Blogging for Dollars" Game

Note: I had to delete the Wood Flooring blog because of a technical problem I encountered when I attempted to totally change the CSS/HTML template.

I have launched the Wood Floor, Wood Floors, Wood Flooring blog and Auto Insurance Digs blogs.  Both blogs have allowed me to research and think out loud about things that I am interested in namely: replacing the floors in my home and saving money on must have items like auto insurance.  For some reason I have kind of taken a more casual - post every now and then approach to the Wood Floors blog while I have become really excited about posting daily on Auto Insurance Digs.  I feel like both blogs provide a service to people looking for specific things.  I hate to admit it but the excitment over Auto Insurance Digs may have something to do with the clear steady pickup in traffic.

I am all in on this auto insurance gig.  I even spent a few dollars to purchase and begin developing a commercial site devoted to auto insurance. That is totally out of my nature. I do not believe in spending money.  The site is not up yet and may not be for a while but the site website address will be "http://www.carinsurancegeneral.com" when I get it fully developed and launch it. For now I have purchased the domain and secured some web development services through Ipowerweb.com.

You might ask why did you choose "car insurance general"?  I chose "car insurance general" by going to Google and checking on the keywords for an advertising campaign.  Most of the high volume key words for car insurance were taken but "car insurance general" was still available and it has a respectable 12,100 Google hits a month.  What that means is that on average 12,100 visitors to Google searched for the exact phrase "car insurance general." So, it stands to reason that when I launch the Car Insurance General website, and someone types in "car insurance general" my website should appear near the top of the first page.  It is not quite that simple.  There is more to it.  But, I recommend that you utilize the free Google Keywords Advertising information to make a better decision in naming your domain.

I am having fun exploring how to make money blogging and I am still not passively generating enough money to brag but I think I am getting closer to that goal.

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