Car Insurance General

I launched a new blog today called "Car Insurance General."  This is not the full website that I am still planning, but it makes sense to setup a blog by the same name of the future website.  I own the domain "Car Insurance General."  In retrospect I probably should have researched and purchase the "dot com" first and then set up a free blog on blogger to help generate traffic and produce some support "click" income.

The "Car Insurance General" full website will promote car insurance agents that maintain higher standards and are more respected.  To promote these agents that are a "cut above" I will provide website users with agent interviews  and possibly post some articles with insurance agent/sponsors serving as coauthors and subject matter experts.  I will also continue writing car insurance articles and will promote the best car insurance articles from other sources.  That is the plan for now. - Small Business News and Articles - Latest Articles

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