My Experience in the "Blogging for Dollars" Game

After watching Maneesh Seti's four hour workweek video, I decided to call Chris and walk him through how to research Google's AdWords cost per click (CPC) expected payout for keyword's. I explained to Chris how to get to the free searchable data that Google offers. As we were looking through, discussing, and sometimes debating how to use this data I realized that the keyword that I used as an example "wood flooring" was a good area for those looking to write about something that is indemand.  As we were talking I created the blogger blog "Wood Floor, Wood Floors, Wood Flooring" partly because I am researching buying and having wood flooring installed throughout my home and partly to explore how these ideas about focusing on a topic that is desired by advertisers and keywords might help me provide a valued service that may pay.  I will let you know about my experience - good or bad.  Chris found that "insurance" is another "in demand" keyword area.

Here is a link that takes you directly to Google's free research of keywords. - Small Business News and Articles - Latest Articles

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