Announcing: Altimeter Webinar on Social Graphics

This is something you might be interested in that I ran across on the altimeter group weblog:

"Jeremiah Owyang and Charlene Li will be running a free Webinar introducing how we are thinking about how companies can understand their customers through what we are calling "socialgraphics". To register for the Webinar:

Register for Free Webinar:
Understand Your Customers’ Social Behaviors, Hosted by Altimeter Group
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM PST

Beware of plans or proposals that start with “Twitter Strategy” or “Facebook Strategy” Instead, they should have a “Customer Strategy” that focuses in on how customers behave –not on the ever-changing toolset. As a result, companies should first understand how their customers use social technologies before they choose the tools. Socialgraphics is how to measure how customers use social technologies, where they are online, and how it influence them in the context of the customer life cylce."  Click here to see the rest of the article and register. - Small Business News and Articles - Latest Articles

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